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About WiS.E

What is the first image that comes to mind when you think of “mathematician” or “physicist”?


Chances are, you pictured a male focusing on his studies. While statistics show that men do dominate that academic field, it is no indication that women are not just as capable. That being said, women who pursue a career in science may find themselves lost in a predominately male-populated field. Academic interest is a person’s choice, yet the feeling as though one doesn’t belong merely because of demographics is still common in our society, and it is unreasonable and disheartening.


To help create the sense of belonging for women interested in STEM, we propose a mission to provide inspiration, information, and opportunities that introduces and guides girls into STEM-related fields. 


We will be conducting interviews with prominent female members in STEM, who will inform our audience of their experiences, opportunities, and advice. We will also post blogs and podcasts discussing STEM-related opportunities,    demographics, and the gender gap. In addition, we hope to orchestrate online activities that will inspire curiosity in our audience through fundraisers and webinars.
It is in our best interest to break down these gender clichés that are preventing the world from advancing further into science, technology, and mathematics.


 Meet the Executive Team




Founder and President

I am a high school senior, and I mainly work on organizing, interviewing, and blogging. I also plan to major in biochemistry and minor in music performance.


Vice President and Designer

I am a high school sophomore hoping to major in anthropology and minor in music performance. I help with organizing and designing in WiS.E.



I am a high school senior who wants to major in engineering and minor in business. I am also one of the podcast hosts on WiS.E.

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Podcaster and Designer

I am a high school senior and a prospective major in art and minor in chemistry. I help with design and podcasting at WiS.E. I also designed the logo.

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I am a high school sophomore and a podcaster at WiS.E. I hope to major in neuroscience in college.


Our Mission


Designer and  Editor

I am a high school senior who dreams to become a Hollywood director one day. I am a designer and the main editor at WiS.E.



I am a high school senior who wants to major in environmental science or ecology in college. I am also a blogger at WiS.E.

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Podcaster, Blogger, and Interviewer

I am a high school senior aspiring for medical school and majoring in biology and minoring in forensic science. I am a podcaster, blogger, and interviewer at WiS.E.



Blogger and Interviewer

I am a high school senior who plans on majoring in biology in college. I am a blogger and an interviewer at WiS.E




I am a high school senior who wants to be an accounting major and secretarial minor. I am the outreach worker for WiS.E; I manage our social media accounts.

Our Mission

The mission of our non-profit organization is to inspire scientific curiosity and open more STEM opportunities to female youth.

What We Do

Our team creates blogs, podcasts, and conduct interviews. In these interviews, we meet with prominent women in the STEM community and talk about their experiences to inform our audience of all the scientific opportunities and motivate them to take initiative. 

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